Saturday, March 27, 2021

Pz III M Sicily basic camouflage colors

 Basic camo is on. Painted in the second Tropen scheme of RAL 8020/7027 with Gaia lacquers.

Pz IV G Kharkov- ready for paint


This is the Dragon kit 6363 as a tank of LAH during the 3rd battle of Kharkov with my usual minor upgrades.


Pz III M- Sicily ready for paint

This was made from several different Dragon kits to represent a Pz III M belonging to HG Pz Div during the allied invasion of Sicily.

Tracks and cable clamps are Modelkasten, Griffon model clasps on the turret bin and jack block. The rest is pretty much out of box.


Panzer IV F1 DAK

 Well my first post here, better late than never.

This is the Dragon kit 6315 with Masterclub tracks, Griffon Model clasps on the turret bin and jack block, Tasca jerrycans, Bitzkreig suspension bump stops along with some other minor detailing of my own. Painted with MRP lacquers.

1/16 DAK update

 Added the arms and refined the shading and highlights on the sandbags.